This post is going to be fun to write, I always have so many things in my wish list! I consider my lolita wardrobe to be pretty much complete, but there is still plenty items which I would love to have, although I might not actually need them. I decided to try not to buy anything for lolita for next couple of months though, we'll see how it'll go.
Anyway, of to the wish list!
1. Long sleeved chiffon black one piece. Moi Meme Moitie would be my first choice, but any brand would do as far as it has the light and but still dark effect I'm looking for.
2. One Moi meme Moitie print item. I don't have my heart set on any particular print. I feel like at least one Moitie print is a must have for every Gothic Lolita.
3. Atelier Pierrot print One Piece. Atelier Pierrot is one of my favorite brands, they're designs are really flattering on my body type. And I adore the dark but still classic feel they have.
4. Atelier Pierrot long corset dress. It really is breathtaking.
5. A simple black JSK. For some reason I still don't have one. I'd love to have this one by Victorian Maiden.
6. Victorian Maiden or Mary Magdalene floral JSK. I want to wear a dress like this on my graduation day.
7. A long sleeved blouse, in black and white.
8. Long sleeve blouse with high collar, in black.
9. Cute heels for casual everyday wear. In black, of course.
10. Accessories. Round headdress, rose corsages, sock, little side bows, wrist cuffs. A lolita can never own to much of those.I'd also like to have a brand tote bag and parasol.
11. Bonus! Vampire Forest print. I'm a happy owner of two Vampire Requiems, and I'd like to have all vampire themed prints by Alice and the Pirates. Hopefully there is more to come!
12. Meta Moonlight Night in Black. I was really close to getting the JSK once, but in the end it didn't work out. Next time!
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